About Us

Architechtures has been created by Smartscapes Studio, a technology company specialized in Deep Tech with a strong R&D component in the field of computational design and AI.

Smartscapes STUDIO

We have extensive professional experience in the field of architecture, within which we have evolved from the most innovative side with a large digital component to the creation of a new technology that enhances the efficiency of the design process for the global sustainable development.

Our previous design work has been widely recognized, such as the award-winning Yecla Bioclimatic Building in Murcia (Spain).

Bioclimatic Building

Architechtures is the result of an ambitious R&D project, partly funded by the European Union, within the field of Artificial Intelligence applied to sustainable architectural design. We have a multidisciplinary team, led by the founder Juan Bordallo, with experience in all major fields of architecture, computer design and AI needed to build this ambitious project.

European Commission

This Project has received funding from the European Union´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 854888

The Architechtures Project has been financed by the following bodies:

  • CDTI: Centre for Technological and Industrial Development, part of the Ministry of Economy and Competition.
  • ERDF: the European Fund for Regional Development (the Fund for Technology).
  • ENISA: Spanish National Innovation Company.
  • ICO: State Credit Institution.
Financiation bodies

The project Architechtures has participated in the MENTORING III program promoted by Red.es and funded by:


Our company has been distinguished with the Innovative SMB Certificate by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

PYME Innovative

Architechtures is a member of the Center for Sustainable Technologies in Malaga, which is part of the Green Economy Project

Green Economy
Contact Us

Contact Us


© Smartscapes Studio S.L.

Pasaje Compositor Lehmberg Ruiz Nº4 2-E

29007 Málaga


© Architechtures, INC

1209 N Orange St, Wilmington

DE 19801