Blog - Tags - Generative AI Powered BIM

Posted 9/28/2023 in Technology
The Evolution of Architectural Design: from CAD to BIM to AI
When a significant part of the construction industry is still adapting to the BIM era, the next (re)evolution is already here in the form of Artificial Intelligence (AI)-aided design.

Posted 9/28/2023 in Resources
ARCHITEChTURES is very intuitive and easy-to-use online architecture design platform, here’s how it works.

Posted 9/27/2023 in Education
Automated BIM and CAD (without Revit/AutoCad)
Generating BIM and CAD usually is a huge part of the building design process and can take many hours of work. At Architechtures you can get your project in BIM or CAD in around half an hour most of the times. Also, all our files are created using the exact same criteria, this enforces consistency and can be extremely important. Read on to find out how Architechtures can help you jumpstart the documentation process for your project.

Posted 9/21/2023 in Education
Floorplanner – AI Assisted and Manual Editing Modes
No two projects are the same in Architectures. Therefore, on the one hand, a floorplanner must ultimately allow for full free form customization. However, on the other hand, with Architechtures we are striving to automate the design process. With this in mind we developed the Assisted and Manual modes combining the best of both worlds. To summarize, a succesful floorplanner must automate as much of the design process as possible while allowing for full customization in an intuitive and flexible manner. Read on to learn how you can streamline your design workflow while keeping total control of the end result.

Posted 9/20/2023 in Education
Building Design and BIM at the Building-Floor Level
Building Design can be tricky, it sometimes seems a slow exercise of trial and error. Not being able to calculate the metrics for your project until you are done designing it can be a nuissance. If only we could wish for the some features in our project and have a design and its metrics in a few seconds… Oh! Wait. It turns out you can… Read on to find out how Architechtures can boost your efficiency.