The GenAI Architectural Design Blog

Get tips, insights, and best practices on ARCHITEChTURES GenAI design platform for feasibility studies and BIM model generation.

Trim tool

Posted 4/24/2024 in Technology

Building Trim tool

Learn to use the building Trim tool in ARCHITEChTURES

BIM Image Exported from ARCHITEChTURES

Posted 2/19/2024 in Education

Downloading files: XLS, CAD, BIM

The development of architectural projects generally stands out for its collaborative nature, involving various profiles and consequently requiring the use of different tools and software. With ARCHITEChTURES, you can export your project to formats such as .xlsx, .dxf, and .ifc.

Budget Window in ARCHITEChTURES

Posted 2/19/2024 in Education

Cost and Input Window

One of the most significant factors when making decisions, on numerous occasions, is the cost of construction. Generating budgets with ARCHITEChTURES will be simple and agile, as we only need to include unit prices.

Below-grade parking in ARCHITEChTURES

Posted 2/19/2024 in Education

Creation of below-grade parking

With ARCHITEChTURES, the creation of underground parking is done automatically with a few simple steps. Here you can learn about the procedure to follow, the highlighted elements, and certain considerations to make the most of the space.

Multi-storey Edition

Posted 2/19/2024 in Education

Editing modes: Auto and Manual

Here we will visualize the different zoom levels in floor plan mode and delve into the multiple editing modes: multi-storety edition and multi-unit edition.

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